
Living in North America, I never really experienced hunger. In my privileged life, hungry moments are are, but right now, my stomach is grumbling, my saliva,  more abundant than usual, thoughts shifted from the task at hand (creating a blog for the first time) to an urge to bite into something, my tongue wants to taste anything salty, and a faint imaginary scent of bread or chips occupies my brain so much that I had to blog about this RIGHT NOW!

Using my prefrontal cortex’s power, I try to think of that last meal, about 7 hours ago, and thought of what I ate, wondering if I am REALLY hungry or is the feeling of being HUNGRY just a thought that passes by. Certainly my body can sustain itself without another meal in a few days, I have enough fat to burn! There is no pain, no “symptoms” physically speaking, so is this thought a result of conditioning? habit? or am I not aware enough of the physical symptoms?

In any case, this would be the worst time to go into a grocery store, or drive by a drive-by fast food joint. Food is too easily available, unhealthy food in particular is too cheap, too prominent.

Breathing in, I notice that I think I’m hungry. Breathing out, I wonder whether I will still be this hunger in an hour when I am allowed to go home and eat.

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